The revolutionary window seal for demanding oil buildings
The installation method practiced successfully for years in new buildings now also works for frame-fitting in old buildings too. The feat of achieving 100 % airtightness, optimum acoustic and thermal insulation and 1,050 Pa resistance to driving rain succeeds using the highly effective multi-function system ISO-BLOCO RENO. Before the new window is fitted, the pre-compressed tape is fixed directly between the layers of plaster in the U-recess in the masonry where, after window positioning, it expands and develops its impressive effect.



Window sealing – excellence without compromise

  • high level of functional reliability thanks to tested resistance to driving rain of more than 1,050 Pa
  • an enormous reduction in heat loss by convection thanks to an a-value of zero
  • simple installation without consideration of the weather conditions
  • complies with the requirements of the Building Energy Act and the recommendations of the RAL “installation guide”
  • 3-level seal using only one product
  • clean handling without material residue
  • high flexibility and application reliability even with joints of different depths
  • can be combined with sprayable sealing agents and cover strips
  • defined U-values for calculable fRSI-value

* 10-Year Function Warranty*
* On the conditions of the manufacturer (available on request)


Sophisticated window fitting, safe sealing
ISO-BLOCO RENO is the ideal solution for tricky window sealing tasks in old buildings.

The highly functional refurbishment system is easy to fit: after the protective film has been removed from the self-adhesive strip, ISO-BLOCO RENO is fixed directly in the U-recess of the masonry between the inner and outer layers of plaster. In addition to the self-adhesive backing, the flexible sealing flanks guarantee the finishing layer will stick firmly.

Improved energy efficiency for old buildings
The ISO-BLOCO RENO sealing system has been specially developed for energy-related window refurbishment in old buildings. No change in tried-and-trusted installation processes for reliable, easy and fast fitting without any residue. With ISO-BLOCO RENO our sealing specialists have come up with a product innovation that makes effective window refurbishment easier for the future.