Corrugated Polycarbonate sheet

The translucent corrugated polycarbonate sheets are produced in various shapes and sizes, flat or curved, in corrugated or waved form and in various colours and different thickness, with single-, double-wall and other structures. It is very durable, as it has a high degree of wear resistance due to stiffening ribs, has good resistance to accidental impacts and bad weather (temperature changes, hail). Due to such qualities as a high level of strength and transparency, wave polycarbonate is widely used in industrial, commercial and agricultural constructions.



Top Benefits:

  • High impact resistable
  • Excellent light transmission
  • Flexible
  • Lightweight
  • Weatherable & UV resistant
  • Simplicity of fitting
  • Durable


  • Industrial and farm rooflights
  • Fences in urban infrastructure
  • Coverings and partitions for balconies
  • Terraces, outdoor awnings
  • Canopies
  • Greenhouses
  • Pool coverings


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