Polycarbonate modular systems

Multiwall polycarbonate interlocking modular systems offer a number of advantages when it comes to installation simplicity and flexibility. Panels are hooked and fixed between sheets, no extra connections needed.  This system offers excellent thermal insulation, strength and use versatility. Versatile and lightweight modular systems perform well in a range of climates and weather conditions. Often used in architecture in exterior and interior where translucent walls system are required. Polycarbonate panels are available in variety thickness types, cell structures and are provided with a particular tongue and groove interlocking system which allows the installation without using any joining elements.



Top Benefits :

  • Lightweight
  • Easy to handle
  • Excellent light transmission
  • Thermal isolation
  • Greater outdoors resistance
  • Improve appearance

Application :

  • Continuous skylight
  • Vertically glazed facades
  • Cladding and partitioning
  • Greenhouses
  • Terraces
  • Sports stadiums


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