Polystyrene sheet (GPPS)

GPPS (General Purpose Polystyrene) – is transparent, lightweight, rigid, easily processed material that most often used for the so-called safe glazing and in interior decoration. The material has high electrical insulating properties and well moisture resistance. GPPS comes at a lower price and is more affordable than other materials. Despite the cost being less, durability or quality of GPPS remains at highest standards.



It is FDA compliant, which allows it to be used as food packaging material.

Top Benefits:

  • Good optical properties
  • Lightweight
  • Good recyclability
  • Low cost
  • High water resistance
  • Durability
  • Chemical resistance



  • Interior decorations
  • Chemical acid storage tanks
  • Office equipment
  • Bathroom dividers
  • Picture frames
  • Medical peripherals
  • Lamps and many more products


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