Solid Polycarbonate sheet

Solid polycarbonate sheet is a transparent, resistible and high-toughness material, despite its lightweight, which is covered with double-sided UV-protection and has no internal voids. The qualities of Solid PC allow it to be implemented as safety glazing and protective screen. Solid PC is used everywhere – from engineering and medicine to furniture and office interiors.



 High impact resistance makes a solid PC the best option for outdoor structures that are influenced by weather conditions. 

Top Benefits: 

  • High impact resistance
  • Transparency
  • Lightweight
  • Acoustical insulation
  • Waterproof
  • Fire resistant
  • Durability


  • Translucent facades and roofs
  • Advertising platforms
  • Machine guards and visors
  • Roof domes
  • Noise reduction barriers
  • Anti-vandalism structures
  • Security glazing


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